
Praemialis Mystery Shopping Software
Praemialis Mystery Shopping Software
Praemialis Mystery Shopping Software

Praemialis helps you combine the latest innovation in feedback technology with the genuine opinions of your mystery shoppers. Allowing your clients take advantage of your mystery shopping software services as well as being able to offer them monitoring software for NPS and other online surveys they can use to collect feedback from their existing customers. This can all be collected, combined and analysed using the Praemialis platform, allowing you to offer your clients services other mystery shopping companies simply can’t.

Praemialis helps you combine the latest innovation in feedback technology with the genuine opinions of your mystery shoppers. Allowing your clients take advantage of your mystery shopping services as well as being able to offer them monitoring software for NPS and other online surveys they can use to collect feedback from their existing customers. This can all be collected, combined and analysed using the Praemialis platform, allowing you to offer your clients services other mystery shopping companies simply can’t.

Praemialis helps you combine the latest innovation in feedback technology with the genuine opinions of your mystery shoppers. Allowing your clients take advantage of your mystery shopping services as well as being able to offer them monitoring software for NPS and other online surveys they can use to collect feedback from their existing customers. This can all be collected, combined and analysed using the Praemialis platform, allowing you to offer your clients services other mystery shopping companies simply can’t.

Praemialis Mystery Shopping Software
Praemialis Mystery Shopping Software
NPS - Net Promoter Score Data Collection

Praemialis helps you combine the latest innovation in feedback technology with the genuine opinions of your mystery shoppers. Allowing your clients take advantage of your mystery shopping services as well as being able to offer them monitoring software for NPS and other online surveys they can use to collect feedback from their existing customers. This can all be collected, combined and analysed using the Praemialis platform, allowing you to offer your clients services other mystery shopping companies simply can’t.

Praemialis helps you combine the latest innovation in feedback technology with the genuine opinions of your mystery shoppers. Allowing your clients take advantage of your mystery shopping services as well as being able to offer them monitoring software for NPS and other online surveys they can use to collect feedback from their existing customers. This can all be collected, combined and analysed using the Praemialis platform, allowing you to offer your clients services other mystery shopping companies simply can’t.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) data collection software offers several benefits. NPS helps measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. The Praemialis Mystery Shopping software streamlines the process, making it easy to gather and analyse feedback through surveys. Real-time insights enable businesses to identify areas for improvement and gauge customer sentiment. This data aids in enhancing products, services, and customer experiences. Additionally, NPS benchmarks facilitate performance comparison against industry standards. By utilizing NPS data collection software, companies can make informed decisions, boost customer retention, and foster long-term growth.

CSAT Surveys Using Mystery Shopping Software
Praemialis Mystery Shopping Software
Praemialis Mystery Shopping Software

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey data collection software offers valuable advantages. It enables efficient collection and analysis of customer feedback, gauging satisfaction levels. Quick insights help businesses identify strengths and weaknesses, leading to targeted improvements in products and services. Real-time data aids in addressing issues promptly, enhancing overall customer experiences. CSAT benchmarks allow performance comparison against peers, guiding strategic decisions. Through CSAT survey data collection software, companies can enhance customer loyalty, elevate brand reputation, and drive sustainable growth.

Praemialis helps you combine the latest innovation in feedback technology with the genuine opinions of your mystery shoppers. Allowing your clients take advantage of your mystery shopping services as well as being able to offer them monitoring software for NPS and other online surveys they can use to collect feedback from their existing customers. This can all be collected, combined and analysed using the Praemialis platform, allowing you to offer your clients services other mystery shopping companies simply can’t.

Praemialis helps you combine the latest innovation in feedback technology with the genuine opinions of your mystery shoppers. Allowing your clients take advantage of your mystery shopping services as well as being able to offer them monitoring software for NPS and other online surveys they can use to collect feedback from their existing customers. This can all be collected, combined and analysed using the Praemialis platform, allowing you to offer your clients services other mystery shopping companies simply can’t.

Embracing Mystery Shopping Software
Praemialis Mystery Shopping Software
Praemialis Mystery Shopping Software

Mystery Shopping software offers compelling benefits. It facilitates discreet evaluation of customer experiences, helping companies assess service quality and adherence to standards. The software streamlines shopper assignments, data collection, and reporting, enhancing efficiency. Real-time insights enable timely corrective actions, leading to improved staff performance and customer satisfaction. Detailed reports aid in identifying trends, strengths, and weaknesses, guiding strategic decisions. With Mystery Shopping software, businesses can elevate service excellence, refine operations, and build stronger customer relationships, ultimately driving business success.

Praemialis helps you combine the latest innovation in feedback technology with the genuine opinions of your mystery shoppers. Allowing your clients take advantage of your mystery shopping services as well as being able to offer them monitoring software for NPS and other online surveys they can use to collect feedback from their existing customers. This can all be collected, combined and analysed using the Praemialis platform, allowing you to offer your clients services other mystery shopping companies simply can’t.

Praemialis helps you combine the latest innovation in feedback technology with the genuine opinions of your mystery shoppers. Allowing your clients take advantage of your mystery shopping services as well as being able to offer them monitoring software for NPS and other online surveys they can use to collect feedback from their existing customers. This can all be collected, combined and analysed using the Praemialis platform, allowing you to offer your clients services other mystery shopping companies simply can’t.

Mystery Shopping Software

Design, plan and schedule every campaign and assignment with ease and efficiency, using our Mystery Shopping Software Suite. Our shopper interface is interactive, modern and user friendly.

NPS Data Collection

Our Net Promoter Score collection and analytics system has been written to ensure a seamless integration between the data collected by your team and the data provided by the client's existing customers.

Online Surveys

Creating and analysing online surveys has never been easier and now there is no need for third party software, it's all integrated into the Praemialis Mystery Shopping Software platform.

About Us

Over 40 years of experience in the hospitality and retail industries, 20 years of experience with Mystery Shopping programs and throw in a Senior Design Engineer and Praemialis was born… The reality is this Collective Feedback Technology’ has taken the collaboration of many more than just three people, blood – sweat – tears and years of design and redesign… all these things have led us to the creation of this platform. Simple to use, complex by design and a game changer for the industry. Simply put, the best Mystery Shopping Software on the market.

A person holding a tablet and a stylus. There is a hologram effect of the earth above the tablet.
illustration of a rounded, glowing, light blue triangle.
Illustration of a laptop connected by a line to various other devices.

What We Do

We provide Mystery Shopping Software, to experienced mystery shopping companies that understand the need to change. Companies that are ready to embrace change and help their clients merge the personalised nature and professional viewpoints of a mystery shopping campaign with the valuable existing customer feedback, to allow companies to tailor their customer service and product offerings to reach the modern day markets.

What We Believe

That your main focus should be collating the feedback and presenting it and consulting with your clients allowing them to analyse the data, create training programs for their teams and improve their product and customer service offerings based on the data collected.

Why we do it

We have three passions here at Praemialis…. Customer Service, Product Enhancement and Software Development and we believe we have created the software that will help us, you and your clients improve the first two.

Our Pricing Plans



Per Month


Per Month


Per Month

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is an important element of any business. It helps business owners understand what their clientele is thinking and allows them to optimize their business. By utilizing customer feedback, businesses can locate problem areas in their operations, as well as identifying which staff are going above and beyond (and which aren’t), and which products are satisfying the customers best.


Customer feedback can also help with product marketing, as knowing which products are currently popular can pay dividends when designing your next ad campaign. What is more, regularly asking for and replying to feedback shows customers that you care. When customers feel that a company cares about them as individuals, they are more inclined to return. Mystery shopping software is often used to get the most out of customer reviews.

A person holding a tablet, using mystery shopping software.

Why use Mystery Shoppers?

A mirror reflecting a woman with her back turned browsing a rack of clothes.

There are many benefits to using mystery shoppers on top of gathering reviews from you actual customers. While real customers often write reviews in order to complain, mystery shoppers offer an unbiased report, which helps you see the full picture. Mystery shoppers are trained to notice many important details during their visits, such as name badges, wait times, whether all the light bulbs are working, and so much more. Ordinary customers notice these details on a subconscious level, but a mystery shopper will utilize them all in their report, meaning the business will know about them to, and can act on them.


Every mystery shopper that reviews your business uses the same survey to complete their report. With mystery shopping software, businesses tailor the survey to their individual needs, meaning they can inquire about specific areas of the operation they are curious about, and then receive targeted answers from shoppers. This also means that since the surveys are all the same, the reports can be used to show patterns and correlations in the data, which is not an option with regular customer reviews. Each report is also graded in the same way, meaning you get a clear picture of what your business is excelling at, and what areas need improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mystery shopping is a service where individual ‘shoppers’ are hired to perform surveys of a business’s practices. Mystery shoppers pose as regular customers, meaning staff treat them as regular customers, and businesses can get real insight on the everyday working of the company. Shoppers survey any aspects the business wants, from the customer service to the cleanliness of the bathrooms.

Mystery shopping software collates all aspects of the mystery shopping process into a single place. Online surveys, client and shopper lists, open jobs and much more are stored on the same software, creating a seamless experience for everyone involved. It creates a user-friendly interface for clients, shoppers and admin alike.

Businesses use mystery shoppers to assess the customer service, products, and other aspects of a businesses practice. Mystery shoppers generate unbiased reports that allow businesses to see patterns in the data, and therefore their practices. This assists businesses in making positive change. Mystery shoppers can also be used to assess competitors.

A mystery shopping survey includes different types of questions. These include yes/no questions, custom scale questions, short answer questions, and more. These can be in any order, and can be grouped to provide a more comprehensive report. Each question is scored individually, and more important questions can elicit a higher score. Ultimately, each individual business can curate their surveys to contain what best suits their practice.

Currently, there is a Web App version that works on your phone simply by using the direct URL form the software. However, a separate shopper and client standalone APP are in the development process and should be delivered in the near future.

Contact Us

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From Start-up businesses to Large National Companies, we have packages to suit and the knowledge to help, Contact us for a confidential conversation today!

Our customer service team are here to help you with any questions you might have, if you are only thinking about getting started or are ready to go, every enquiry and every question will be treated with the utmost priority and confidentiality.